Negated Music Series
A series of video works
The project Negated Music Series consists of a series of short video works. Each video is between 40 seconds and 1 minute 20 seconds in duration, and each consists of a single continuous shot in which a sonic event is accompanied by a soundtrack created by the use of the negated music process. Negated music is created from the average of all the sounds present during the entire recording, minus the sound that is happening at each moment in time.
The video works of the Negated Music Series examine the sounds of musical instruments and objects by showing video of an object in relation to the audio that has been subject to the negated music process. The project is conceived of as an open ended set of videos constructed in this manner.
Musical works take place through the continuous unfolding of sound through time. The specific conception of sonic negation presented here highlights the absent presence of a sound. The new sounds negate the continuous presence of sound and through this process suggest a negation of music’s primary condition of existence.